Mountain Lake Municipal Utilities accepts credit and debit card payments through Paya. Payments can be made with a major credit, debit or prepaid debit card, including:

PLEASE NOTE: There is a fee to pay your bill on-line using credit or debt cards. The size of the fee is determined by Paya and is 2.99% of your bill. Mountain Lake Utilities will reimburse your fees from Paya on your next billing statement.
AUTOMATIC WITHDRAWAL FROM BANK ACCOUNT: If you would like to have your utility bill automatically paid from your bank account each month (on the 5th) please visit or contact City Hall at 507-427-2999 ext. 8.
Click the link below to pay for your utility bill through Paya.
Pay Utility Bill Here
Direct Payment – ACH Application Form
Please click here to download and print the partial payment request form. Please bring this form to City Hall between 9am – 4pm to be approved by MLMU staff. This form MUST be approved by a staff member to take effect. Please call the utility business office with any questions.