Taylor Nesmoe or David Watkins 507-427-2609
The department operates and maintains the city’s wells, water treatment plant, located at Prince Street, and the waste water treatment facility located just north of Mountain Lake.

Notice a water leak, have a broken water meter, or see any other type of service disruption?
If during business hours (8:00AM – 4:30PM) call the Utilities Office Manager at 507-427-2999 ext.8. If there is not an immediate answer, leave a voicemail and call Cottonwood County Dispatch at 507-831-1375 to report.
If out of normal business hours (business hours are 8:00AM – 4:30PM), please call Cottonwood County Dispatch at 507-831-1375 to report. There is no utility staff present at city hall out of business hours.
For emergency situations (such as a fire, live wires on the ground, etc.), please call 911.