Please contact the city administrator at 507-427-2999 ext.1 on building permit questions. Applications forms can be dropped off at city hall or emailed to mmueller@mountainlakemn.com.
The City of Mountain Lake has adopted and enforces the MN State Building Code.
Building permit fees are based on project cost (materials and labor) with the exception of flat fee permits. To determine the cost of your project see the Building Permit Fee Schedule. Permits with a flat fee are:
Shingling/Siding – $45
Plumbing and Mechanical – $15
Fence – $25
Porch – $15
Locate the appropriate permit form and requirements summary from the list below. If you are doing the work yourself, complete the Do-It-Yourself Waiver form. Contractors hired to work in the City of Mountain Lake must be licensed. To determine if your contractor is licensed, visit the MN Dept. of Labor and industry website contractor look-up page: https://secure.doli.state.mn.us/lookup/licensing.aspx
Click the permit you are looking for to view/print:
Backyard Chickens
Deck or Porch
Detached or Attached Garage
Egress Windows
Mechanical or Plumbing
Moving or Relocating Building
New Construction, Interior Remodel, All Other Projects
Shingle or Siding
Return the permit, waiver form if necessary, and any other information required to City Hall or mmueller@mountainlakemn.com. Allow 14 days for processing.
Beginning a project without a valid permit could lead to a fine twice the permit cost.